Welcome to My Recruiter Global
My Recruiter GlobalMy Recruiter GlobalMy Recruiter Global
(Monday - Friday)
Lekki, Lagos
My Recruiter GlobalMy Recruiter GlobalMy Recruiter Global

Specialising in temporary, contract and permanent recruitment View services Specialist staffing firm

Who we are

My Recruiter Global is a specialist staffing and consulting firm specialising in temporary, contract and permanent recruitment across a broad spectrum of industries, delivering talent solutions to companies in Nigeria, US, India, Philippines, Malaysia and UK as well as a range of advisory services such as HR Consulting, Management Consulting and People Transformation.

Recruitment Process

Understand the client’s requirements

After receiving a brief, we do our research and map out the market to properly to understand client’s requirements. We also interview the client to ensure that we are asking candidates the right questions.

Shortlist candidates

A shortlist of 4 qualifies profiles are shared with clients alongside a detailed report on this candidates’ suitability. This guides the client’s decision.

Send for final interview by Client

At this stage, we send a final shortlist to clients WITHIN 72 HOURS alongside a detailed report on the candidate’s suitability for the role.

Sourcing candidates

We represent the client in the talent market by sourcing qualified candidates through, Interviews, assessment and personality tests to ensure we have the right fit, We begin with telephone interviews followed by assessment

First interview round

After our first shortlist, we set up the first round of interviews via a suitable virtual platforms before sending the final shortlist to clients

Job offer

We follow up with clients and advise on the best salaries for the candidates

We believe that every appointment you make should strengthen your business

We have a team of trained subject matter recruiters, with industry knowledge across Financial Services, FMCG, Oil & Gas, Luxury Goods, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing etc, to ensure service delivery at every level.

Our Value Proposition

Thorough Head Hunting Techniques

Flexible rates and Cost Effectiveness

Free Assessment

Value Driven

72 hrs TAT


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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