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Chief Operations Officer

Our partner, a home  technology &  audiovisual   company   in   Nigeria is seeking to employ for the role of a Chief Operations Officer.  

With   your   experience   and   global   exposure,   you’ll   be   able   to   lead   our   team   of   high-performing   professionals   to   be   efficient,   productive,   and   effective.   Our   ideal   candidate   has   extensive   experience   within   the   industry,   perhaps   having   worked   your   way   up   through   the   ranks   to   your   role   as   an   executive.   We   believe   this   trajectory   helps   develop   a   unique   mix   of   business   and   management   expertise,   plus   proficiency   with   the   practices,   policies,   and   procedures   of   the   technology   industry.   We   have   our   eye   out   for   a   COO   with   strong   leadership   skills   and   the   ability   to   approach   business   from   a   creative   point of view.  

The   COO   is   responsible   for   the   daily   operations   of   a   business,   supervising   all   or   most   aspects   of   the   company’s   procedures   and   plans.   He   may   be   tasked   with   managing   issues   including   Customer   Experience   financial   growth   and   development,   research,   and   personnel.  

Roles & Responsibilities   Strategic  

  • Consistently   evaluate   and   optimize   departmental   processes   with   a   target   to   drive cost reduction, reduce turnaround time and increase profitability.  
  • Align the    operations   department   with   all   other   departments   in   order to    achieve   the corporate global objective.  
  • Ensure   effective   recruiting,   on-boarding,   professional   development,   performance management, and retention.  
  • Collaborate   with   the   CEO   in setting    and   driving   organizational   vision,   operational strategy, and hiring needs.  
  • Design, developer and execute the global scaling strategy for the business in Nigeria   and West Africa (Ghana, Ivory Coast) within 3 years.   
  • Develop   actionable  business    strategies   and   plans   that   ensure   alignment   with   short-term and long-term objectives developed in tandem with the CEO  
  • Improve   the   operational   systems,   processes   and   policies   in   support   of   organizations mission, vision and strategic goals.    
  • Play   a   significant   role   in   long-term planning,    including   an   initiative   geared   towards operational excellence. 
  • Planning and controlling change.    
  • Managing quality assurance programs.    
  • Researching new technologies and alternative methods of efficiency.    
  • Successfully   obtaining   ISO9001   certification   for   the   organization   within   12   months.              


  • *Oversee   overall   financial   management,   Operational   management,   resource   planning, systems and controls.  
  • Regular meetings with the Financial Controller around fiscal planning.  
  • Setting and reviewing budgets and managing cost efficiency.    
  • Overseeing   inventory   management,   technical   procurement   and   distribution   of   materials across project location.  
  • Oversee   the   entire   day   to day    operations   of   the   Finance,   Engineering   and   Support units of the organization to achieve set management KPIs.  
  • Manage   corporate   relationships  with    company   technical   and   commercial   partners   including   manufacturers,   subcontractors,   suppliers,   regulatory  bodies,    etc  
  • Ensure   corporate   technical   &   operational   compliance   with   industry  best    practices   and  regulations    locally   and  internationally   with    CEDIA,   AVIXA,   NCC,  

SON, and COREN.  

  • Oversee   the   global   project   lifecycle   and ensure   timely   project    delivery   within   scope and budget.  


  • Establish   and   adhere   strictly   to   established   standard   service   delivery   turnaround   time (TAT) for all customer service delivery  
  • Service   excellence   in   delivery   of   customer   projects   and   post   project   support   with   a target 95% customer satisfaction survey rating.  
  • Attend and    participate   in   local and   international    industry   trade   shows   and   exhibitions   by identifying    and   affiliating exclusively    with   key   leading industry    brands.  
  • Continual   research   and   development of    innovative   products   and   solutions   that   enhances sensory    evoking   customer   experiences   all   through   the   customer   lifetime.  
  • Responsible   for   the   general   technical   operations,   upgrade   and   maintenance   of   all Experience centers to guarantee a sensory evoking customer experience.       Finance  
  • Drive   cost   savings   in   line   with   company   target   savings   percentage   on   annual   departmental and project budgets.  
  • Measure   and   increase   operational   staff   productivity   by   eradicating   rework   and   tracking operational labor hours using labor budget variance reporting.  
  • Manage   the   administration   of   company   operations   assets   by   promoting   ownership, cost savings and efficiency.  
  • Aggressively   manage   capital   investment   and   expenses   to  ensure    the   company   achieves investor targets relative to growth and profitability  

Internal process  

  • Design,   develop   and   document   all   departmental   (technical   &   operational)   workflows and processes in a central knowledge base  
  • Design   and   implement standard    design   tools and    worksheets,   templates   (design,   installation   and   Programming)   to   guarantee   efficient and    timely   quality   delivery of service in every departmental unit.  
  • Analyze internal operations and identify areas of process enhancement  
  • Manage   and   increase the    effectiveness   and   efficiency   of   Department   Support   Services,   through   improvements   to   each   function   as   well   as   coordination and    communication between engineering, support and business functions.       

Organizational capacity  

  • Build   a   world-class   Industry   professionally   certified   operations   team   of   System   Designers, System Integrators and Project Managers (CEDIA & AVIXA)  
  • Drive   a   culture   of   learning and    development   within   the   entire   organisation   with   one documented quarterly training per employee.  
  • Developing   talent   acquisition   and  development    programs   that   guarantee   the   consistent availability of qualified technical resources for operational scaling.  
  • Monitor   employee   performance   with  systematic   performance    tracking   tools   in   order to achieve set labour productivity    
  • Organize   Technical   and   Manufacturer   Trainings   for   System   Designers,   System   Integrators and Project Managers.  
  • Design   &  Conduct    periodic   internship   programs   as   a   CSR   initiative   in   alignment   with the Business Strategic goals.  

Skills and Qualifications  

  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, or related field  
  • 7+ years experience in executive leadership positions in the technology industry.  
  • Leadership skills, with steadfast resolve and personal integrity  
  • Attention   to   detail   and   systematic   approach   to   operational   &   business   management  
  • Understanding of advanced business planning and regulatory issues  
  • A solid grasp of data analysis and performance metrics  
  • Be able to diagnose problems quickly and have foresight into potential issues  
  • A problem solver!  

Preferred Qualifications  

  • First Degree in Electronics/Electrical/Computer Engineering  
  • Master’s degree in business or related field  
  • Business Scaling experience  
  • International business experience  

Job Category: Tech
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Lagos

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